It might be vain but hearing it makes you feel great, and
that is all that matters.
We cannot help our self, sometimes you wake up and just hate
how you look or compare yourself with other women. It does not make sense, but
it happens.
When you want to feel great on those days that everything is
blue and no one is volunteering the fact that you look fantastic, music is an
excellent source of confidence and esteem booster.
I have compiled a list of ten songs that I listen to when I
feel down to remind me that I am kick ass and fantastic.
Before we dive into the music, make sure to hit that
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These songs have not been endorsed; they are just from my
personal collection.
Sorry men if you will feel a bit left out but I promise to
go rifle through my friend’s phone for his feel-good music.
1. Beyoncé- If I
were a boy.
How can I not start with Beyoncé? I feel like all of her
songs are fantastic, and she is like the queen of everything good in my book.
Her name should be in the dictionary as reference material for all kids. Just
kidding. Her lift up songs include “All the Single Ladies” and “Run the World,”
but the one I love the most is “If I were a Boy.” I do not know; it just does
something to me.
2. Pink- Try.
My other favorite singer of all time is Pink. I love her and
her songs, they make me feel like I can lift the world on my finger and spin it
around. You remember those cartoons that used to raise the world with their
pinkie and spin it around? I feel that way when I listen to Pink. The most
listened to version of her song in my phone though is Try. For those days when
you feel like you cannot do it anymore, she reminds you that you have to get up
and try again. Where there is a desire there has to be a flame.
3. Glee- I feel
I know this is not the original version of the song, but I
love this version of the song. Or is it original version? I am not really sure.
After I binge-watched the movie, I downloaded the song, and I still love it. It
is excellent for those days you feel like you are “unpretty.” The song reminds
us we do not have to change to please others.
4. John Legend- You
and I
I love John Legend. I know I am saying I love a lot of
musicians but I love music and these are among my favorites. This is also a
great song that reminds us that we are beautiful no matter how we look like.
Great for those days you do not feel too pretty.
5. Lady Gaga Born
this way
Okay, I do not love Lady Gaga very much. I know some of you
will kill me for saying this. But I really love this song. It just reminds us
that we were born the way we are, that we are unique and perfect. It is a
pretty amazing song.
6. Meghan Trainor, I love Meghan Trainor, she is an advocate
for curves and her song Dear Future Husband gets me every time. But the song I
listen to when I need a pick me up is her popular song “All About That Bass.”
Now that is a fantastic song.
Other honorable mentions include Bruno Mars: “Just the way
you are,” Drake: Started from the bottom, “Feeling Myself” by Nicki Minaj and
Beyonce and Hailee Seinfeld “love myself” and “Most girls.”
What are the songs that boost your moods? Share with us in
the description box below; we would love to hear from you.
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