Successful people are a fascination to me, their ability to
achieve what millions of others before them failed at is remarkable. Reading
about their struggle and ultimate victory fills me with this rush, thrill, and
vision that one day I shall be one to be counted.
Do you feel that too? The desire to be a massive success?
Then you are definitely in the right place.
Passion for what they are doing, the belief that they are
right and they will achieve.
The obsession to do it right even if they fail a thousand
Rapture in that they have this vision of how things should
be. Successful people know that they have to disrupt the course of events, but
they know they are right.
These are the three main qualities of any successful person.
Before we look at the habits of successful people, you
should definitely adopt, make sure to click that subscribe button and the
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They know where they want to go and have a clear vision of
what they are going to achieve. Successful people do what they have
to do to get where they want to be because they know the cost of failure to
Failure is not an option. If you need to have a
visualization of your goals, make a vision board so you can see where you are
going. If you like writing instead make a list of goals and set achievements
for each step you make. Overall understand precisely what you want and do not
let anyone stop you from getting there.
Elon Musk can be quoted saying work ten times as hard as
they are doing to achieve more than they are especially when you are starting a
company. He also says that when they started out with his brother, they rented
one office space with a couch on it that they could sleep on and work
twenty-four hours, seven times a week. That kind of hard work got him to be
where he is right now. Success never comes on a silver platter; you have to
work for it.
Jacqueline Novogratz, the Founder, and CEO of Acumen was
told that she was silly, stupid and naïve but that did not deter her from
founding her company. Do not listen to other people, even if they take delight
in always pointing out your failures. Not that their opinion does not count do
not bank your future on them. If you have failed 999 times, try again maybe the
1000 time will be the one because you will be smarter than you were before.
Successful writers like J. K. Rowling did not let one No from the publishers
deter them from writing. Do not spend so much time doubting yourself instead
invest in making you a better person for tomorrow.
Discipline is critical because through discipline you build
endurance and a routine. Through control, if you fail one time your body is
programmed to do it all over again until you get it right. Live your goals,
dream your goals and breathe your goals. Let it encompass you. Let your dreams
be a part of you so no one can separate one from the other. When they see you,
they get a look at your dreams. They see you coming, and they see the future
billionaire. They see you coming they see the success you are in your studies.
Basically, they see you, and they see success.
Whatever your dreams are, they are important, and you are
going to achieve them all.
I love it when you get to the point where you have nothing
to lose, so you put it all on the line. You give it your everything and do what
others think will undoubtedly fail. When people are jumping over poles and
landing safely at a reasonable time, slide down that pole head first, you might
get there easier and faster. Hey, you might even end up inventing a new method
of going down poles.
Last but not least INTEGRITY, there is no need for you to be
an ultra-successful person today and end up in jail with your reputation
tarnished tomorrow. Work for the kind of success that people will write books
about and talk about for generations.
That is all we have for you today.
Share with us in the comments how you are building you will
Just remember every day, You are CONFIDENCE.
You are AWESOME.
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