You are a woman and being a boss is known as the man’s world, but we are here to change that.
You will have to work three times harder than they do to prove yourself but it will be worth it.
Know what you want and do not be a pushover. You are fantastic, your ideas are awesome, and you are going to do a fantastic job.
Here today at confident and fit we are going to discuss how to be a Girl Boss.
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1. The most important aspect of being a girl boss is to produce quality, and the success will follow. Julie Sweets said at a Forbes interview “be so good they have to give it to you. Let your motto be excellence, no excuses.”
2. Have confidence in yourself. Your idea is incredible, believe that. YOU ARE AWESOME.
3. Believe in yourself and get a mentor who will help you get up when you feel like you do not want to do it anymore. Build a secure network and support system around yourself; you will need it. Ask for help from people who went before you; you do not have to do it alone.
4. Do not overthink about what is waiting for you down the road. When you start considering the risks involved and why you should not do it you will always find a reason not to do what you want to do. Just start, you will be amazed and what you can accomplish when you are resilient. You do not need to know the future right now. How many people were told they could not do it and now they are legends? J. K. Rowling books were rejected severally by authors now she is among the worldwide known authors. Oprah Winfrey was fired because she could not sever her emotions from her stories.
5. Find a gap and fill the gap, solve the little problems people ignore. Get an idea that solves a simple problem and start small before you look for a huge investment. Sara Blakely came up with a simple concept, Spanx, and now she is a millionaire.
6. Being organized is hard get a planner or apps to help you plan out your time efficiently.
7. Do not be scared to ask for money to fund your ideas. ASK, ASK DO NOT BE SCARED TO ASK, if they say no it’s okay you can do it by yourself. Just be creative when they see you are doing a great job they shall offer it to you. Be very clear with how much you want and for what purpose.
8. Have this drive to learn and always be a better version of what you are today. Find other people who know and collaborate with them, then learn from them. You do not have to know everything right now, you will learn.
9. Get enough rest and get up early in the morning.
10. If you want to build a successful business, start it as a side hustle. Then create a customer base. Learn how to sell and how to sell it right.
11. Set a timeline for each milestone you wish to achieve. Then remember to celebrate and reward yourself each time you meet them.
12. Support other women, bring them up with you. You never know when you will need help and they shall be there for you. Collaborate, do not compete.
That is all we have for you today.
Share with us in the comments how you are building your empire.
Just remember every day, You are CONFIDENCE.
You are AWESOME.
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Until next time, adios.
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