Have I mentioned to you how much my desire to lose weight has broken my heart several times?
Most days, it feels like I am ramming my head onto a stone wall several times.
If my body could talk, it would say Lynn is such a bitch.
Mention any quick hacks to weight loss; I have tried it.
The lemon water, the apple cider vinegar, and my favorite a mixture of apple cider vinegar and Aloe Vera, I gag just thinking about the awful taste. The crash diets, like the military diet and the egg diet.
The constant exercising, putting my body through a lot of cardio (at times even two hours of jump rope.)
Nothing has worked at that; all I did was hurt my body.
At the beginning of this year, I just said enough.
Enough is enough, no more torturing my beautiful body, and I started this journey to live a simple happy life.
I stopped all those diets and strenuous exercises and went vegan.
I struggled so much with weight loss, and when I tried dieting or working out like crazy, and it did not work, I felt like such a loser.
I internalized that feeling, and it led to depression.
So I know a thing or two about struggling to lose weight, even though I have lost some weight now, I refuse to let it take over my life currently.
Here are some things we understand as weight loss strugglers (haha I decide to call us that like we are in some type of club or something.)
1. Starting exercise, being sore the next day, and then stopping after a day or two.
2. Eating much more food after exercising thinking, we deserve it since we worked out.
3. Then some are afraid to eat and want to cut out everything from their diet, especially carbs; that usually lasts an hour or at most a day.
4. Buying everything that promises fast results like Apple Cider Vinegar and lemons, all this gave me was hyper acidity.
5. The most devastating though is when you work out and eat “right,” but when you go to measure your weight, you discover you have gained weight. I know it is said to be muscles, but that moment is soul crashing.
What I can say I have learned along the way is that life is a long journey with a lot of bumps; try to hold on to the small things that matter.
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