At one point in life or the other, we have all been self-conscious about how we look and how others perceive us. Hollywood has created this ridiculous stereotype that for you to be viewed as sexy, you have to fit a particular body type. I have started several workout programs after watching BeyoncĂ©’ singing or watching a movie where the actress looked for ridiculously hot. Those programs did not last long because I was trying to look like someone else. Everybody is unique, just because you have curves does not mean you are unhealthy. I have been with people who I admire because they workout, they eat a healthy balanced diet but they also do not deny themselves that treat one’s in a while. They have curves, and they are proud of them because they are living a full, well-balanced life. Getting to the point where you accept yourself for who you are and live your best life is hard, but we are here to help with that. We came up with several tips to help you embrace your curves. ...



Affirmation: I am lucky to have so much to look forward to.
It is hard not to compare yourself with other people and see that you have been left behind. The system has trained us to feel like losers when we are not successful at whatever stage we are in life.
Set your intention of the day to remember to be grateful.
I am grateful that I have a grandma who opened up her house for me and took me in when I had nowhere to go.
I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and food on the table.
But most importantly I am grateful that I am lucky to have such a bright future ahead of me.
At most times we forget that the current situation will not be forever (I am one of those people.) It was nice today to remind myself that this is not forever. That if I keep working hard one day I shall achieve everything that I want.
It may not seem like it but the future waiting is better than today.
So just stop for a moment, take stock of what you have and remind yourself to be grateful for all of it.


There are so many things happening in life that we miss because we are so busy trying to achieve.
I easily realize what is wrong with my life and spend so much time trying to correct it. I spend so much time obsessing about what is not working because I crave that perfect life, and I feel like my perfect should be at the standard of perfect the world has placed upon me.
It is stressful.
I do not have a lot of things that I want in my life, but I am taking the time to realize all the things that I have and being grateful for them.
I am taking this chance to text my mum and tell her to thank you for always being there for me even when I feel like I do not deserve it.
I am taking this chance to tell my grandma that I am grateful to her for opening up her house for me when I had nowhere else to go. She is my rock.
I am taking this chance to send gratitude to the universe for my sister because she is the reason I want to be the best person, to show her that she can do anything she sets her mind to.
I am taking this chance to send gratitude to my brother for making me smile and being my voice of reason so many times.
Take a moment to realize what you have, sometimes you have so much more than you deserve.


The more we think negative words, the more it slips into our pores, skin, and heart and soon we only think negative thoughts.
Words like I am not worthy, especially when there is a price involved. Words like I am not good enough.
I am so stupid, why did I not catch that, when it is just an honest mistake.
I am so clumsy when you trip over something.
Do you know for almost every five negative thought you think there is only one positive thought?
I came to learn that when I am pissed off and hold onto it, it does not give me power, instead, it eats at me. And eats at me, until it consumes me.
That is not healthy at all.
When I looked at myself in the mirror after a shower I did not think of all the cellulite and dimples that I cannot get rid of. Instead, I thought of how wonderful my boobs are and how well I am curved (took some time.)
Instead of berating myself when I accidentally tipped the milk over, I chose to clean up and realize that it was not my fault. I might have been distracted but accidents happen. What is done is done, it cannot be undone. So I scraped together some money and went to buy a new pack.
If I had been angry and upset with myself, I would still have to buy a new pack. But instead, I would feel bad about myself.
This way I got a new pack and I felt great because I am only human.


Inviting positive energy involves only thinking positive thoughts and surrounding yourself with positivity.
As I went through the motions of the day of taking a shower and preparing lunch I muttered under my breath over and over, Positive Energy Only. Positive Energy Only.
Soon I was thinking about the things I have like:
A roof over my head.
Food in my belly.
I was healthy and as long as I am alive change to my life is coming someday.
I know it is not much but it is enough to get me through today to tomorrow where I can live to fight a different battle. I will take what I can get at this moment as I claw my way slowly by slowly to my dreams.
Sometimes we want the easy life where everything happens in our favor (me included.) What I came to realize is that when that happens we do not grow as individuals emotionally or spiritually.
When something that I did not expect happens to me from now onwards I am adding them to my List of Blessings.
I refuse to call it my List of Problems anymore.
All the things on the list are there to teach me that every day will be different and every day will have its own challenges. It is how I handle those challenges that will make me a more balanced person.
I am stronger than I think.
I will take that thought, use it reinforces the positive energy in my life so that it can help me grow through my List of Blessings.
May this positive energy help me give my whole to the universe so that the universe can give back to me.


Having hope is the most difficult thing a person can do.
Hope is the belief of things unseen or events unknown; that is how I would define hope.
It is an easy thing to be distrustful and not in need when you have everything, but when it all ends and you have nothing, all you have left is hope.
I hope for a better future.
I am basing all my dreams on one day becoming a best seller as a romantic comedy writer, so I know a thing or two about hope.
Has it ever actually occurred to you that in the whole world there are a million people or even more that have the same goals that you do?
It occurred to me today and it was such a mind-blowing fact I almost stopped dreaming and hoping for a moment. Then I started thinking what would I be without all my hopes and dreams? What would I do without them? They actually keep me warm on the cold nights when it feels like nothing is working anymore.
I actually lived a long time without hoping for anything.
My rational and completely logical reason was: If you do not hope for anything then you will not be disappointed.
What I came to realize is that if you do not hope, you do not try and you end up with a bunch of nothing like me right now.
Life is about taking chances, seizing opportunities and by being hopeful I am reviving a piece of me that had died off.
The part of me that believed in the impossible had shrunk up and died but to be a more balanced person I am watering it.
I am hereby taking control, working hard and hoping that all my dreams will one day come true.


Often times we do things because other people are doing it.
We go to places other people are going to; we do not stop to ask do I actually want to do this? Do I actually want to get a job and work for someone else? Or am I just following the flock?
I am only human and some days I fall further down than others. On other days I feel like hey am happy, I can live in the village and talk to chickens and still be happy. But from today onwards at the back of my mind, I shall remind myself that my own happiness starts with me.
I shall remind myself that my being happy does not depend on other people.
My happiness does not depend on how much money I make or what level I am at work.
My happiness will not depend on my family.
How many people have pinned their happiness on their husband or wife and ended up disappointed?
How many people have pinned their happiness on their jobs or money and ended up getting what they thought they wanted yet it is not as fulfilling as they thought it would be?

Life always finds a way of not living up to your potential or to your dreams so if you pin your happiness on someone, something or situation you will end up being bitter or chasing your own tail.
Bitter people are not well-balanced people.
Take a deep breath, dig deep inside, lift the corners of your mouth and smile.
No matter what you are going through a smile; it cannot get any worse than it already is.
The best thing about being at rock bottom is there is nowhere left to go but up. Let us meet at the top as happy, well-rounded people.

That is all I have for you today.

I have written a whole book on how to Find Balance, Self-love, and Confidence in life.
If you are interested I will leave the link below, otherwise, let’s meet next time.






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