Your world is the way your view it.
The mind can be tricked into believing anything and as long
as the mind believes the body will follow.
That is what successful people know. I have seen people walk
over fire and not burn because they believed they could do it. People walk on
tight thin ropes because they believed and practiced, practiced and practiced
some more.
The mind believes, and the body follows.
Dream big and let no one ever tell you that you cannot do
That your dreams are impossible.
Nothing is impossible.
Nothing cannot be done.
Being a billionaire is possible, it has been done before
with people who had nothing. They built it with determination, sheer hard work,
perseverance and some luck. Being a billionaire can be done again. You can do
The question you should be asking yourself every time is, am
I my dream? Can they separate you from your dreams? Do you think that your
mentor right now seated at the back of his luxury limousine is thinking like
you? Do you think that Elon Musk is sitting watching movies or even
procrastinating on what to do? Do you think Bill Gates when he started out was
worried about what to wear or is he thinking of how to make the world a better
place? Do you think Jeff Bezos was sure Amazon would work and he would be the
wealthiest man on the planet when he started? They all believed in themselves
before anyone else believed in them. They took risks that no one else was able
to take.
Smile when you feel like bawling.
Work when you do not remember why you are doing it anymore.
When you hate it so much because of all the sacrifices you had to make. Keep at
Obsess over the small details.
Learn everything you can.
Talk to yourself every second and remind yourself that you
No one will understand your dreams when you start. No one
will get what you are doing when you start out.
Not everyone will cheer and support you when you quit your
job to follow your dreams.
Not everyone will clap when you sink your savings into that
pub that is dying.
No one will get your vision the way you do, because God did
not share the dream with them.
He shared it with you because he believed in you.
He believed you could do it.
Work hard, perform, and show them that they are wrong.
Let them come and ask you how did you do it? How did you
achieve the impossible?
Be prepared to give up what you never thought was possible.
Be prepared to work so hard it feels like your day has
twenty-four hours.
At times it will feel like even your dreams have turned
against you. Push through that.
It is only when it is darkest does the light shine through.
Only when it feels you cannot get up anymore, that is the
point to work harder.
Because in the end hard work, determination, and passion
always win.
Never ever give up.
And always, always remember, Excellence over excuses every
day and no price is too big to be paid.
Your dreams are you, and you are your dreams.
Your struggle is your legacy.
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