At one point in life or the other, we have all been self-conscious about how we look and how others perceive us. Hollywood has created this ridiculous stereotype that for you to be viewed as sexy, you have to fit a particular body type. I have started several workout programs after watching BeyoncĂ©’ singing or watching a movie where the actress looked for ridiculously hot. Those programs did not last long because I was trying to look like someone else. Everybody is unique, just because you have curves does not mean you are unhealthy. I have been with people who I admire because they workout, they eat a healthy balanced diet but they also do not deny themselves that treat one’s in a while. They have curves, and they are proud of them because they are living a full, well-balanced life. Getting to the point where you accept yourself for who you are and live your best life is hard, but we are here to help with that. We came up with several tips to help you embrace your curves. ...


We love our self, but apart from very few people who see a pot belly as a sign of fortune, many people do not like having belly fat.
I decided to make this video today not because belly fat looks bad but the health risk it poses to people. The fat is located around most of our organs, and it was meant to be a cushion, but too much of it can be harmful. I do not know if doctors recommend this, but I think losing all your belly fat is also not good.
Just thinking.
Losing fat around the belly can be a massive undertaking because most of the fat is stubborn fat.
It is called visceral fat, but I call it stubborn fat because it took me a while to figure out how to shed it all. Most of the time when I followed one advice or the other I would follow each individually. Then I one day decided why not pursue all the information at the same time? It worked I ended up losing a ton of fat around the belly in about three weeks.
In a minute I will tell you everything I did but before I do please hit that subscribe button to be notified when we upload new posts every day.
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Pat yourself on the back you are fantastic.
Getting right into it, these are the things I did to lose belly fat.
The most important thing to remember is that I was consistent and I did all these every day.
Some of you might not like it, but it worked for me, I hope it helps someone else out there.

1.    Green tea mixed with honey.
I swear when I started my fitness journey I did not know about green tea. I went to the supermarket one day and bought it, and I have never looked back. If you do not follow any other advice I give today, please follow this one. I drink green tea every day, about four to five cups a day. Apart from all the health benefits like fat loss and lowering chances of getting cancer, green tea also adds that energy boost. It has some caffeine in it, and it just makes you feel more energized and hot. To prepare add a tea bag into some steaming water, let it sit a few minutes before you remove the tea bag and sweeten with some honey.

2.    Oatmeal.
I gave up wheat in bread and made sure that all my breakfast had oatmeal. I soaked it and ate it like that with some fruits tossed in it; I made non-flour pancakes and muffins with it. If it did not have oatmeal, I did not eat it for breakfast. Oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber and proteins, and the best part is you feel fuller longer.  I do not have a blender yet but for those who do an excellent substitute for wheat in the morning are smoothies. If you hate oatmeal, have a healthy smoothie instead.

3.    Flat tummy lemon water
I hate plain water. Drinking it is not as fun and when they told me to drink about eight cups a day that was not possible. Until I realized there is a better more refreshing way of drinking water, adding lemon, cucumber, mint and some ginger in it. The flat tummy water turned my life around, and I looked forward to drinking water. Flat tummy water does not just help you stay hydrated; it helps in curbing cravings and cleansing the digestive tract.
To prepare it all you need is:

1 tablespoon of ginger.

One sliced cucumber.

One sliced lemon.

1/3 cup of mint leaves

and 6 cups of water.
Toss all of them in the water and place it in the fridge to infuse.
Some say four hours, but I used to leave mine overnight, it became crispier.

4.    Substitute soda with fresh juices
Soda has a lot of processed sugar, so I stopped drinking soda and instead I started drinking more fresh blended juices.

5.    Replaced meat with plant-based protein.
Meat is an excellent source of protein, but they are harder to digest, so I limited my consumption of meat, and instead, I increased my plant-based proteins. I ate more beans, lentils, chicken peas, and green peas. There is an argument that plant-based proteins are not complete proteins so find what works for you. For me, this worked.

6.    Bonus tip I added cayenne pepper and curry powder to all the foods that were cooked. Cayenne pepper and curry powder are a well-known digestive aid that helps foods be digested faster.  So I added a little bit in all the meals I cooked, except the oatmeal.

I cannot conclude this by not adding working out, working out was a whole other journey for me. I will link my blog post on what I wish I knew before I started working out at the end. Working out is a way to live a more healthy and fit life. If you do not want to work out, walk at least 10,000 steps a day. That helps in the digestion of food by your body. If you sit around all day, then the food also takes longer to be digested.
That is what we have for you today and always remember our mantra:
You are AWESOME.
Go out there and conquer the world.
The world is your clay, build something.   
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Until next time, adios.


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