
Showing posts from July, 2018


At one point in life or the other, we have all been self-conscious about how we look and how others perceive us. Hollywood has created this ridiculous stereotype that for you to be viewed as sexy, you have to fit a particular body type. I have started several workout programs after watching Beyoncé’ singing or watching a movie where the actress looked for ridiculously hot. Those programs did not last long because I was trying to look like someone else. Everybody is unique, just because you have curves does not mean you are unhealthy. I have been with people who I admire because they workout, they eat a healthy balanced diet but they also do not deny themselves that treat one’s in a while. They have curves, and they are proud of them because they are living a full, well-balanced life. Getting to the point where you accept yourself for who you are and live your best life is hard, but we are here to help with that. We came up with several tips to help you embrace your curves. ...


They say the hardest decision in life is whether to let go or give it another try. The principle applies so much in relationships because we invest so much time and emotions into our relationship until they become part of us. Severing a relationship is like letting go of an extra limb you did not know you have. Love makes us look at the world with rose colored glasses. Love makes us see our partner like they have a halo on their head. Our partner is great and they can never do anything wrong. If they do something wrong, it was probably not their fault. They were provoked. I have seen good relationships that last over forty-five years and both couples are happy. I have also seen bad relationships. Relationships where people just stay because they have invested so much time and are “comfortable.” A bad relationship where a partner is abused. Abuse does not have to be physical. Emotional abuse can also be as bad. Where your partner makes you feel like they are doing you a favor by being...


Your world is the way your view it. The mind can be tricked into believing anything and as long as the mind believes the body will follow. That is what successful people know. I have seen people walk over fire and not burn because they believed they could do it. People walk on tight thin ropes because they believed and practiced, practiced and practiced some more. The mind believes, and the body follows. Dream big and let no one ever tell you that you cannot do it. That your dreams are impossible. Nothing is impossible. Nothing cannot be done. Being a billionaire is possible, it has been done before with people who had nothing. They built it with determination, sheer hard work, perseverance and some luck. Being a billionaire can be done again. You can do it. The question you should be asking yourself every time is, am I my dream? Can they separate you from your dreams? Do you think that your mentor right now seated at the back of his luxury limousine is thinking like...


What happened to my dreams? At this age, I was supposed to be famous. I was supposed to be known as the incredible. I was to be the one who made it where others failed. As life progressed and I grew older, I somehow lost the desire. I still have the same drive, but instead of filling me with joy they feel me with dread. The desire makes me feel like I am suffocating. My dreams are like a noose around my throat and the closer I move to them the tighter the rope gets. They say enjoy the road yet the road is filled with sharp rocks and I am barefoot. They say work hard, I stay up late and all I have the next day is a headache and a strong addiction to coffee. They say be obsessed and it is all I can think about I do not even bathe. I sleep my dreams. I have unconsciously eaten uncooked rice because I was working on my dreams. I have paced. I have run. Yet each time it moves further and further away, and the noose keeps getting tighter. Help me. AM I drowning? A...


We love our self, but apart from very few people who see a pot belly as a sign of fortune, many people do not like having belly fat. I decided to make this video today not because belly fat looks bad but the health risk it poses to people. The fat is located around most of our organs, and it was meant to be a cushion, but too much of it can be harmful. I do not know if doctors recommend this, but I think losing all your belly fat is also not good. Just thinking. Losing fat around the belly can be a massive undertaking because most of the fat is stubborn fat. It is called visceral fat, but I call it stubborn fat because it took me a while to figure out how to shed it all. Most of the time when I followed one advice or the other I would follow each individually. Then I one day decided why not pursue all the information at the same time? It worked I ended up losing a ton of fat around the belly in about three weeks. In a minute I will tell you everything I did but before I do pl...


Sometimes you need someone to remind you  that you are beautiful. It might be vain but hearing it makes you feel great, and that is all that matters. We cannot help our self, sometimes you wake up and just hate how you look or compare yourself with other women. It does not make sense, but it happens. When you want to feel great on those days that everything is blue and no one is volunteering the fact that you look fantastic, music is an excellent source of confidence and esteem booster. I have compiled a list of ten songs that I listen to when I feel down to remind me that I am kick ass and fantastic. Before we dive into the music, make sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell to be notified when we upload new Posts every day. These songs have not been endorsed; they are just from my personal collection. Sorry men if you will feel a bit left out but I promise to go rifle through my friend’s phone for his feel-good music. 1. ...


HOW TO GET THROUGH THE TOUGH TIMES. Sometimes it is tough really tough, and life just seems bleak. Those who tell you hang in there it will get better just piss you off, and you are mad at the world. You are mad at the world for not being what it was supposed to be. Mad at the world because it is against you. Mad at everybody because they do not understand what you are going through. Their life is perfect while yours is crumbling right before your eyes. Trust me I have been there. At one time I even considered just standing on top of a hill and letting go. Since then things have not gotten better, but I am surviving the best way I know how. I adopted the policy of one day at a time. I know it is so cliché, and everyone is talking about it like it is important but trust me it works. I have a goal of what my future will be and every day I am working towards that. I wake up every day; then I check around to ensure that I have enough to get through that day. Will the food...


DEAR HARDWORKING PERSON. I hope this letter finds you well. Since last we spoke I heard that you are still struggling to make it and no one appreciates all the effort you put in. They are all waiting to see whether you fail or succeed so they can say we told you so. I decided to write this letter to tell you that I understand what you are going through. I wanted to say that I appreciate everything you are doing and do not stop. It may get tough, hell it is probably already tough, but those who quit do not win. Hang in there you are doing a great job. I know that you understand that nothing good in life comes easy. You understand that for you to enjoy the view from the top of the mountain, you have to climb first. You understand that the stairs are steep to climb but for you to grow you have to suffer. But most important you understand that bills have to be paid. Just kidding. But seriously for whatever reason you are chasing your dreams, you shall one day ach...


One day I was walking home when I saw this onion growing in a dried cemented trench. There was no soil for it to grow and the water that passed through there was scarce, and sometimes there was no water at all. The first day I passed by and did not pay any attention to it. The next time I passed by and asked myself why is this onion growing? Does it not realize there is no soil or even water to sustain it until it blooms? I passed by that day too. The next day I passed the onion had flourished and even started producing leaves, and I could not just leave it there anymore. So I carried it home with me and repotted it, and now it is flourishing. I know you are wondering why I am telling you this story, but I feel like it is the perfect example of hope. The onion had no soil and no water, and yet it kept growing. It kept flourishing despite hardship. It kept growing. It could have dried up and died, but it did not. It kept at it until one day someone came al...


It was late at night when Sandra heard it. At first, she thought she was still sleeping when she heard the rustle again. It was coming from the front door. Her heart was thudding, feet heavy when she slid slowly from the bed and quietly walked to the front door trying not to make a sound. She listened as someone jiggled with her lock. Someone was trying to break into her house. This could not be happening to her. She had to call for help. Will the police get here fast enough? Will they help her or will they find her lying on a pool of her blood? She turned around fast and quietly. Her nightdress caught on the decorative mirror she places on her credenza, and it came rushing towards the ground. Eyes widened, terrified she watched as it hit the ground shattering on impact. The noise outside her door stopped. They knew she was aware they were there. The jiggling became more hurried, so she ran back to her room. She had just closed the be...


YESTERDAY we looked at the ten ways your body might be showing you that your kidneys are failing. Today we are going to look at some of the things that might cause your kidney to fail. Before we start, make sure to click that subscribe button and the bell to be notified when we upload new videos every day. If you already a subscriber let me take this chance to say thank you for the love and support. Welcome to the family, and we love you here at Confident and Fit. Pat yourself on the back; you are fantastic. As we said yesterday kidney failure could be detected by blood tests and often most people, do not even realize their kidneys have failed. When the kidneys are damaged, then they do not function as well as they used to before. Chronic Kidney failure does not just happen overnight, except in rare cases, but it occurs when the kidneys become less and less functional every time. The causes of kidney failure include: 1.    The most common cause is when o...


   THERE CAN ONLY BE SO MANY HOURS IN A DAY. Sometimes time goes by so fast, and you still have a thousand and one things to accomplish. You have work and a boss breathing down your neck while the kids also want attention. You have school, and a teacher wants one assignment handed in yet you have exams to read for. You can even have two jobs you are trying to juggle both of them without slipping. Those are the moments you feel like your head might explode and time just keeps fading away. What if I told you that there are some tips you can adapt to make your life a bit easier and handle all those tasks better? It might not make them easier, but you will end up doing more in the same time period. These are the tips to live a more productive life. Before we start, make sure to click that subscribe button and the bell to be notified when we upload new videos every day. We love new subscribers. If you are already a subscriber, let me take this chance to...


In some cases, it is possible to lose about 90% of kidney function without experiencing any symptoms or problems. Fortunately for one to experience complete kidney failure, both kidneys must be damaged entirely. If only one kidney is damaged or diseased, then it can be removed, and the other kidney may continue to function correctly. Before we start, what are kidneys? Make sure to click that subscribe button and the bell to be notified when we upload new videos like this every day. Kidneys are a vital organ in the body used to filter all the waste products from your blood from where they are sent to the bladder. The toxins are eliminated from the body when you urinate. When your kidney loss the power to filter the toxins from the blood, letting the toxins flow back to your system then that is called kidney failure. If kidney failure is left untreated, then it can progress and even become life-threatening. If discovered early the cause can be treated early to prevent chronic ...

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