
Showing posts from 2017


At one point in life or the other, we have all been self-conscious about how we look and how others perceive us. Hollywood has created this ridiculous stereotype that for you to be viewed as sexy, you have to fit a particular body type. I have started several workout programs after watching Beyoncé’ singing or watching a movie where the actress looked for ridiculously hot. Those programs did not last long because I was trying to look like someone else. Everybody is unique, just because you have curves does not mean you are unhealthy. I have been with people who I admire because they workout, they eat a healthy balanced diet but they also do not deny themselves that treat one’s in a while. They have curves, and they are proud of them because they are living a full, well-balanced life. Getting to the point where you accept yourself for who you are and live your best life is hard, but we are here to help with that. We came up with several tips to help you embrace your curves. ...

2018 Fitness: How to Keep your New Year Fitness Resolutions

The new year is here, it is now time to panic and realize that you did not achieve any of your resolutions of 2017 and start coming up with a new list all over again swearing this time you will do it. This time you will succeed. Admit it guys how many times has the first resolution of the year been be fit and eat healthy? I to had those resolutions so many times at the top of my list every several new year. I call it the new year bug. In January you are super serious signing up to the gym, running fifty miles each morning and doing yoga in the evening. This is until two days later when you feel like you cannot take it anymore and decide let me just sleep in this one night. One night turns to two until when February arrives you still think you will do it tomorrow. Let us say no to this in 2018, do not do everything at once and end up ruining everything. So today I came up with tips to help you stick to your health and fitness plan this new year. Tip 1 Come up with a plan ...

Merry Fitness Hacks: Holiday Fitness

It's Christmas, I love love love Christmas and since it comes only once a year I tend to go overboard. I know I am not the only one. To most of us Christmas symbolises Great family moments, good food, new clothes and awesome gifts. It is basically a reason to overeat, over laugh and act like fools with no one to judge us, I love this we all love it. It is great until January when you look at your tummy and realise you gained back the ten kilograms you have been losing all year. Yet you can not refuse to eat because you will gain weight, you will end up craving and over eating later on. So I can up with 5 tips to help you get through the holiday healthy: Tip 1 Walk everywhere If they are looking for someone to go to the market for forgotten onions, go. If you feel like you have not seen the river since last year walk there. If your child wants something you forgot to buy walk to the shop. Basically walk everywhere you can go to as walking is a great workout for the who...

Morning Routines To adopt In the New Year

Early to bed and early to rise, Make someone happy, healthy and wise I remember this song we used to sing when I was just a little girl, my mum actually used to use this song to make us go to bed on time. As you can imagine going to bed early was a struggle and waking up early was not easy at all. I seem to have carried over those childhood traits into adulthood. Where you wake up 30 minutes past the time you were supposed to wake up, stumble into the bathroom and stumble into work looking like you just came from your grandmas pot. I know I am not alone but this habit has got to change so I made a list of the routines I will adopt in the new year to help me be more productive. I hope you find them helpful too. Tip 1 Make a schedule of the next day the night before If you know what you are getting up to do, you will have more inspiration to get up in time. So many times I wake up right on time then I realise I actually have nothing planned out for the day and go back to sl...

Festive Health: How To Loss Weight While Shopping

I love shopping. I just confessed. So today I was walking around shopping when it hit me this is a great workout so I decided to share the great news to all the other shopping addicts. Shopping addicts: You can now loss upto about 160 calories an hour while shopping and best part you get to enjoy your workout. This is how to loss weight while shopping Tip 1 Walk to the shops If your house is close to the mall or supermarket or shopping centre ditch the car and just walk to the shops. This way you get in about 30 minutes of light cardio as you walk and works the leg muscles. Soon you will have great calves. Tip 2 Walk from shop to shop Do not buy the first thing you find compare prises in different shops until you find what you are looking for at a cheaper price or better quality. As I said above walking = light Cardio = great calves. Tip 3 Try on different outfits The trying on of different outfits putting on and removing can work out your arms and tummy muscles. So...

Hacks to Weight Gain

Being slim, and healthy is awesome. Being thin because of poor nutrition or when you are pregnant or health concerns not so much. So today at the request of a dear friend we are going to look over some of the tips, tricks and hacks for weight gain. If you are looking to gain weight for whatever reason here are some tips that have been proven scientifically. Tip 1 Do not drink water before meals Drinking water before meals makes you full faster so you end up eating less than the body needs to gain weight. So keep off the water until after the meal. Tip 2 Eat a lot of nutrient rich foods and proteins The nutrient rich food include whole grain breads, pastas, cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy, lean meat, nuts and seeds. Proteins are great for the body because they are the body building foods that are needed by the body for muscle building. Tip 3 Eat more frequently, not just 3 meals in a day eat about 5 to 6 smaller meals to allow your body the chance to digest and abso...

5 Shocking Things People are Doing to Loss Weight

Over the years people have become obsessed with losing weight so that they can look like models or actresses or like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman (personal goal). The motto of inner beauty being the most important thing has been thrown out of the window as both men and women strive to be the most handsome or most beautiful. Somehow that title has fallen to the thinnest or the most masculine which personally I do not get. To my personal opinion you are as beautiful, sexy handsome and noticeable as long as you are comfortable in your skin. Do not get me wrong weight loss through healthy eating and workout is great because you reduce the chances of lifestyle diseases and boost your life expectancy but some people have taken it to a whole other level. Let us see what these people do to loss weight and look like "models". The Sleeping Beauty Diet Want to skip a meal and you lack the motivation because you can almost feel the chocolate calling your name? Well some people ta...


I did not know how good it would be until about one month ago when my cousin made me some guacamole and ever since I have been addicted. I practically eat it with everything from crisp to rice to ugali you name it I have tried it and it's delicious. Best part it is so simple to make.  Guacamole Ingredients 1 very ripe avocado 1 small onion, chop it very finely 1 clove garlic, mashed 1 ripe tomato, chopped 1 lemon or 1 lime juiced Salt and pepper to taste Method Peel, half and mash the avocado to your preference it can be smooth or chunky, your choice. Add in the onion, garlic, tomato and lime juice then stir it in. Add the salt and pepper to taste. Cover and leave about ten minutes to blend all the flavors. Enjoy!! Subscribe for more recipes.

How to Eat Healthy When Broke

As a former student who just completed school with no job or job prospects I understand broke more than you can imagine. We even formed a club and called it the Broke Ass Club membership is free but leaving has turned out to be an endeavour I am still not sure I will manage. I do not let this stop me from eating healthy not just for weight loss so that I can have a healthy life. So today I decided it was time to share what I do to live a healthy life with not a lot of money. Tip 1 Buy a lot of vegetables and add vegetables to all your meals. Vegetables are so cheap, I am alone so sometimes buying kale for 5 shillings can be enough for one meal. So my advice today is find your favorite vegetable be it kale or traditional vegetables like kunde or saga , and add it to all your meals. Trust me this is super healthy and best of all you get a shot of extra immunity at just 5 shillings or so. Who does not want to be super immune? Tip 2 Avocado it up I know I know you are going to say...

Flatten Your Tummy: Center Your Tummy and Waist

We all want a flat tummy and most of the time we work and work so hard on it and see no results at all. Well today i decided to branch out do some research on how getting a flat tummy works. That coupled with my experience on weight loss this is what I came up with I hope you find it helpful. One thing I have not added to my list and I swear by is green tea, I know its too popular right now and most of you might think its hyped but it works. I drink about 4-6 cups of green tea a day no sugar. At first the taste will be a little off putting but keep to it, it gets better with time. Other than that I have this five tips for you: 1. EAT MORE FIBER the best way to loss weight whether it is your tummy waist or just general body weight is to reduce the number of calories you eat in a day and still be full, the best way to do this is to eat more fiber rich food. It is best in every way because you end up being full faster, consuming less calories and it helps in bowel movement so...


We have been on a break but now Healthy living Kenyan style is back, bigger and better as FAST FIT AFRICA this festive season to help you maintain weight, loss weight and be healthier. All we want is for you to eat healthier work out to have a better mind and be a better person all round. Let us do this! Do not forget to click subscribe for healthy recipes, work out advice everyday and better yet a chance to win a Christmas Workout Present.


I do not have the best skin; it keeps breaking up in acne and has a lot of black spots. As I am trying to fix my face; with natural ingredients that will not affect my skin but have great nutrients; I thought why not share them with you. Remember to know your allergies and do not use anything that will give you an attack or hives. Homemade face masks cleanse the skin, nourish it and rejuvenate it in the best possible way to make it brighter. They can draw out impurities and oil, soothe aggravated or inflamed skin and also hydrate dry or overtired skin. This face masks are made with things that can be found at home in your pantry or shelves. First let us look at the benefits of using natural face masks compared to store bought:           They are cheaper and very easy to make usually you just have to mix a bunch of stuff together.           You get control of what you put in the face masks this allows you to tailor...

Vegan Icecream Without Machine

Want ice cream but you do not need the calories that come with it?  Want ice cream but you do not have an ice cream machine?  Well not too worry, healthy living has got your back.  Here is an ice cream recipe with just four ingredients and no machine required, best of all it is low in calories and super duper delicious. Vegan Ice Cream Ingredients 2 ripe bananas 4 dates 1 tablespoon almond butter 1 tablespoon honey Instructions Cut bananas and dates into pieces. Mash them with a fork until soft and blended. Add the almond butter and honey, mix well until combined. For a bite of crunch add some nuts be it almond or ground or peanuts. Freeze your mixture for at least four hours or overnight and Enjoy! RECIPES

Importance of Smoothies

You wake up in the morning, you are late and i a hurry but you still need some nutrients for the morning before you leave. Because come on who has the time and energy to make a full breakfast on a weekday? I do not. So I came up with the perfect solution, smoothies. Okay I did not practically invent smoothies but they are a pretty awesome invention. They are an easy way to nourish your body with all essential nutrients you need and all you need to make them is a blender, fruit and some liquids. Just pour it into a portable bottle and carry it with you to work or school. Saving both time and your job at the same time. Love it! So here are reasons you should start making smoothies; They are quick and easy to make. Kids love smoothies so this is a good way to help them eat healthier Help with weight loss as they promote a liquid diet making losing digestion easier. They are super delicious. Great for detox, when you want to give your digestive system a break. Helps ...

Breakfast Scrambled Eggs Ovacado Boat

Who does not love boats, i know i do. To be able to have your whole meal on a boat is a pleasure. So today on my first day to a vegan diet I made this avocado boat that is totally delicious, just double the recipe by the number of people. Unlike other people mine has a secret ingredient that makes it supper yummy. Read to see what it is. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Serves 2 Ingredients 1 ovacado halved and pitted 1 ripe tomato 1 small white onion A teaspoon honey Salt to taste 2 eggs. Black pepper to taste. Method  First scramble the eggs with a little salt, serve on a platter and set aside. Dice the tomatoes into really tiny pieces, set aside. Next dice the white onions into small pieces, set aside. Place the 2 halved ovocado side by side. To one half just add a little bit of onions. Some tomatoes. Half the eggs. Garnish with a bit of tomatoes and some onions. Top with some black pepper, salt and honey. The taste...

Substitutes for White Bread For Breakfast

Breakfast should be high on proteins and being the most important meal of the day, one should not skip it. Tired of eating white bread and need a change? Here are a few examples of healthy breakfast ideas. Breakfast On The Go Weetabix and banana I have never loved weetabix but it ia high on fiber and keeps you full longer so to add more taste to it, i add a ripe banana to my plate of weetabix in the morning. Makes it delicious and best of all it is super healthy. Fruit salad This you can make very quick in the morning with all the fruits available at home. The best part of fruit salad is that you are not restricted in your choices, its delicious and very filling at the same time. Yorgurt cup Okay now this is the best invention after mobile phones. Well to me it is, basically instead of eating your yorgurt plain and boring why not add fruits and nuts in them? Personally i love the plain yorgurt topped with bananas, cashew nuts and sesame seeds (sim sim). You just put it la...

Substitutes for White Bread For Breakfast

Breakfast should be high on proteins and being the most important meal of the day, one should not skip it. Tired of eating white bread and need a change? Here are a few examples of healthy breakfast ideas. Breakfast On The Go Weetabix and banana I have never loved weetabix but it ia high on fiber and keeps you full longer so to add more taste to it, i add a ripe banana to my plate of weetabix in the morning. Makes it delicious and best of all it is super healthy. Fruit salad This you can make very quick in the morning with all the fruits available at home. The best part of fruit salad is that you are not restricted in your choices, its delicious and very filling at the same time. Yorgurt cup Okay now this is the best invention after mobile phones. Well to me it is, basically instead of eating your yorgurt plain and boring why not add fruits and nuts in them? Personally i love the plain yorgurt topped with bananas, cashew nuts and sesame seeds (sim sim). You just put it layer by...

27 Songs To Work Out To 2017

Working out in itself can be hard and once in a while we need music to help us get off our ass and do it. This music works for me hope it helps you out too. Darassa         Muziki Willy Paul.     Yes I do ft Alaine The killers.     Somebody told Me Miley Cyrus.   Drive Mumford and sons.   Sigh no More Pink.               Try Beyonce.        Run The world Ed Sheeran.   Shape of You Ariana Grande.   Problem Alicia keys.          Girl on Fire Clean Bandit.       Rockabye Keri Hilson.          Knock You Down Eminem ft Rihana.  Love The way You Lie Jason Derulo.          Swalla Janelle Jid...

Motivation To Workout

I have heard many people ask these three questions. What motivates you to workout daily? I have tried everything but I am still gaining weight. What makes you get up that early in the morning? Well the second one is more of a statement but I have heard it alot. Lossing weight is not an exact science and what worked for another person will probably not work for you. It is simple but it is not easy and it requires alot of hard work and grit. So today I am going to share with you what actually works for me. Mine is mostly mindset, I had a vision of how i want to look like in two years. Took that picture printed a big ass photo hanging on my wall somewhere I can see all the time. Of course my vision was that of Kim Kardashian because she is awesome. The second thing I did was research because you cannot go to your vision without a path. That was how I learnt that what I eat is as important as how much exercise I do. At first I would excercise alot and eat as much because I thought ...

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