As a former student who just completed school with no job or job prospects I understand broke more than you can imagine.
We even formed a club and called it the Broke Ass Club membership is free but leaving has turned out to be an endeavour I am still not sure I will manage. I do not let this stop me from eating healthy not just for weight loss so that I can have a healthy life. So today I decided it was time to share what I do to live a healthy life with not a lot of money.
Tip 1
Buy a lot of vegetables and add vegetables to all your meals.
Vegetables are so cheap, I am alone so sometimes buying kale for 5 shillings can be enough for one meal. So my advice today is find your favorite vegetable be it kale or traditional vegetables like kunde or saga, and add it to all your meals. Trust me this is super healthy and best of all you get a shot of extra immunity at just 5 shillings or so. Who does not want to be super immune?
Tip 2
Avocado it up
I know I know you are going to say you do not like avocado but I am here to tell you this fruit can be eaten with literally anything. Be it just that ugali and kale or rice and kale, just mash some ovocado and put some in there makes every meal a gourmet dish. If you do not like avocado then make guacamole out of it, this is so much better, check out the recipe on this blog.
Tip 3
Buy in bulk in the market instead of stalls.
Those people selling you vegetables in the stall had to get it from somewhere so why don't you just cut of the middle man and go get it for yourself in the market. Just take your free days and walk to the nearest big market near you like gikomba or mudhurua and buy more vegetables, grains, cereals and fruits at a cheaper price.
On the weekends take time to boil your own grains like beans or lentils and during the week you can just take out a little at a time for stew.
If you have a fridge you can freeze the vegetables after wrapping them in foil paper and use a little bit at a time. Trust me this saves the big bucks.
Tip 4
Buy in season fruits
It is December so the fruit in season is mangos so what do I do? I eat a lot of mangos and take a lot of mango smoothies. Buying the fruits that are in season is cheaper than going off to look for some fruit that went out of season two months ago.
Tip 5
Plan, plan, plan, and plan
I cannot stress this enough, planning what you will eat is important because you know exactly what you have to buy and how much you will need. This way you come up with a budget that suits you so that you eat healthy all week. Do not spend all your money eating meat today and then come Monday you are taking tea with mandazi, that just pulls you back. So plan.
Tip 6
Use those leftovers
Do not throw away what you left after you are full find a way to reuse it.
Dinner leftovers can make for an amazing packed lunch.
Left over rice one can add in potatoes and other vegetables to make risotto.
You can even make burritos out of anything left over. Check out my burritos recipe also in my blog.
Tip 7
Noodles are not healthy but at times the only money you have left is for noodles so why not make it healthy by throwing in a couple of vegetables you can find around, carrots, potatoes, fresh tomatoes, onions and pepper work great.
Tip 8
Get your protein
Meat or chicken or fish is expensive but at times you are tired of plant vegetables, great news is that butcheries nowadays pack with whatever money you have. You have 50bob? There is meat for 50bob, just buy it and add in a couple of potatoes as you cook it. Great way to get your protein for cheap.
So that is all I have for you today I hope you enjoyed this. Subscribe for more articles like this.
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