At one point in life or the other, we have all been self-conscious about how we look and how others perceive us. Hollywood has created this ridiculous stereotype that for you to be viewed as sexy, you have to fit a particular body type. I have started several workout programs after watching BeyoncĂ©’ singing or watching a movie where the actress looked for ridiculously hot. Those programs did not last long because I was trying to look like someone else. Everybody is unique, just because you have curves does not mean you are unhealthy. I have been with people who I admire because they workout, they eat a healthy balanced diet but they also do not deny themselves that treat one’s in a while. They have curves, and they are proud of them because they are living a full, well-balanced life. Getting to the point where you accept yourself for who you are and live your best life is hard, but we are here to help with that. We came up with several tips to help you embrace your curves. ...

Morning Routines To adopt In the New Year

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Early to bed and early to rise,
Make someone happy, healthy and wise
I remember this song we used to sing when I was just a little girl, my mum actually used to use this song to make us go to bed on time.
As you can imagine going to bed early was a struggle and waking up early was not easy at all. I seem to have carried over those childhood traits into adulthood.
Where you wake up 30 minutes past the time you were supposed to wake up, stumble into the bathroom and stumble into work looking like you just came from your grandmas pot.
I know I am not alone but this habit has got to change so I made a list of the routines I will adopt in the new year to help me be more productive.
I hope you find them helpful too.
Tip 1
Make a schedule of the next day the night before
If you know what you are getting up to do, you will have more inspiration to get up in time. So many times I wake up right on time then I realise I actually have nothing planned out for the day and go back to sleep.
When you have a plan and a time allocated for each activity you are more likely to wake up on time.
Tip 2
Wake up at least 20 minutes earlier than the time you normally wake up in. Successful people wake up earlier than anybody else to come up with new ideas or even to work out.
Tip 3
JumpStart the day with a workout this makes you very alert and also gets you the energy to make it through the day. If you can get through a thirty or forty five minutes workout that early nothing will get in your way the rest of the day. This is because you have the faith that you can do it.
Tip 4
Start the day with a cup of tea or coffee or power smoothie just to give you that extra morning boost and get you going for the day.
Tip 5
Deal with all the high priority projects first so that you can finish them early and on time when you are still clear headed.
Tip 6
Pray, take time to say a prayer it does not have to be complicated prayer, it can be just our fathers prayer or the grace. Appreciate God for all he has done for you.
Okay this last one is an evening routine
Meditate, this is where you take the time to appreciate life and reflect on what you have done during the whole day. Ten minutes or fifteen minutes of silence can be so great for your life development and progress.
All this tips will make us better people in the coming year. Better people are healthier people and they are more effective people.
That is all I have for you today.
Until tomorrow.


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