We all want a flat tummy and most of the time we work and work so hard on it and see no results at all. Well today i decided to branch out do some research on how getting a flat tummy works. That coupled with my experience on weight loss this is what I came up with I hope you find it helpful.
One thing I have not added to my list and I swear by is green tea, I know its too popular right now and most of you might think its hyped but it works. I drink about 4-6 cups of green tea a day no sugar. At first the taste will be a little off putting but keep to it, it gets better with time.
Other than that I have this five tips for you:
the best way to loss weight whether it is your tummy waist or just general body weight is to reduce the number of calories you eat in a day and still be full, the best way to do this is to eat more fiber rich food. It is best in every way because you end up being full faster, consuming less calories and it helps in bowel movement so no bloating, but just like everything else do not overdo it you might end up being gassy.
Examples of fiber rich foods you can eat:
Chia seed
Which contain all the nine essential amino acids needed by the body necessary for muscle building and it also has a lot of potassium, calcium and phosphorous.
French beans, cooked
Lentils, cooked
Chick peas
Black beans
Flax Seeds
What the doctors say is really true an apple day keeps the doctor away, here I will say an apple a day keeps the tummy away.
These are just but a few examples of fiber rich foods that you should include more in your diet not to mention vegetables that are super rich in vitamins.
I know I know what you are going to say that without sugar or salt food is tasteless, but sugar has not nutritional value so it is basically just empty calories while salts helps your body retain water which leads to bloating and puff flat tummy gone.
Do not worry thou I am not leaving you out their solo their are great substitutes to sodium and sugar. Try to get as much natural sugars as possible from fruits around you, but if you need added sugar you can use stevia or saccharin which has low caloric count. On salt front you can use sea salt or spices like garlic, onion and pepper, also natural herbs bring great flavor to food.
I know a lot of people say this but drinking water helps with weight loss process and here are some of the reasons how:
- Makes you feel full.
- Increases metabolism by boosting caloric burn.
- Helps heed hunger cues.
- Helps clean up your kidneys.
- Drinking before eating helps you get full faster.
So make sure you load up in about 8 glasses of water a day, trust me it helps.
I am not suggesting you go for a sprint or join the marathon today, thou you should do this some day when you are fit, start slow but not too slow you do not feel some impact.
Go take a thirty minute walk sometime it will improve your mood and increase your heart rate. Increase the time you walk daily until you start jogging lightly and before you know it you will be Usain Bolt.
If you are a seasoned athlete go for a jog at least five times a week or do the HIT workouts, these are great for the whole body.
This basically means that you should sit up tall on your chair, tighten your belly, straighten your spine and place your feel flat on the floor. Slouching on your seat pushes your tummy out and weakens your spine which affects your abs. Hey you are royalty, seat up and be proud it will help not only to show your confidence but also your tummy.
That is all I have for you today do not forget to click subscribe for new tips everyday.
Until next time
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