Breakfast should be high on proteins and being the most important meal of the day, one should not skip it. Tired of eating white bread and need a change? Here are a few examples of healthy breakfast ideas.
Breakfast On The Go
Weetabix and banana
I have never loved weetabix but it ia high on fiber and keeps you full longer so to add more taste to it, i add a ripe banana to my plate of weetabix in the morning. Makes it delicious and best of all it is super healthy.
Fruit salad
This you can make very quick in the morning with all the fruits available at home. The best part of fruit salad is that you are not restricted in your choices, its delicious and very filling at the same time.
Yorgurt cup
Okay now this is the best invention after mobile phones. Well to me it is, basically instead of eating your yorgurt plain and boring why not add fruits and nuts in them? Personally i love the plain yorgurt topped with bananas, cashew nuts and sesame seeds (sim sim). You just put it layer by layer until you have heaven goodness on a cup.
2 ripe bananas.
You in a hurry and do not have time to cook? Just grab 2 bananas on the go, some research suggested that eating 2 bananas in a day for a month can can aid in weight loss. This is by helping control blood sugar, keeping bowels empty and best of all protect your eyesight.
Spinach+ pineaple +avocado smoothie
This smoothie has only 221 calories per serving and best of all its delicious.
All you need are 3/4 cup water, 1/2 cup ice, 2 cups pineaple diced, 1 avocado and 2 cups spinach.
2 egg white omellete topped with avocado
By removing the yolks before preparing your omellete you are lowering cholestoral therefore reducing calories.
Prepared the previous Night
This can be prepared the night before for breakfast.
Sweet Potatoes
Did you know that sweet potatoes are a good source of vitamins, manganese, copper and best of all they have the dietary fibers that make you feel fuller longer.
Arrow roots( nduma)
This boosts the immune functions and aids in the digestive system. You can eat it boiled or add spices for a bit morw flavor but personally i love it boiled with salt to taste.
Weekend Breakfast
Egg salad
This just comprises of cooking your favorite vegetables and an egg omellete, placing them in a bowl and tossing them all together.
Banana egg pancakes
This pancakes have only two ingredients, one mashed banana and 2 eggs mixed together and made into a pancake with a little bit of coconut oil. Its healthy and delicious when topped together with some honey and fruits.
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