At one point in life or the other, we have all been self-conscious about how we look and how others perceive us. Hollywood has created this ridiculous stereotype that for you to be viewed as sexy, you have to fit a particular body type. I have started several workout programs after watching BeyoncĂ©’ singing or watching a movie where the actress looked for ridiculously hot. Those programs did not last long because I was trying to look like someone else. Everybody is unique, just because you have curves does not mean you are unhealthy. I have been with people who I admire because they workout, they eat a healthy balanced diet but they also do not deny themselves that treat one’s in a while. They have curves, and they are proud of them because they are living a full, well-balanced life. Getting to the point where you accept yourself for who you are and live your best life is hard, but we are here to help with that. We came up with several tips to help you embrace your curves. ...

Higher Chances of Living Longer By doing Cardio Daily

EVERY Minute of Exercise Could Lengthen Your Life By seven Minutes......

I was never never on to exercise, waking up to run or skip around like a crazy person held very little appeal to me. If you woke me up before seven in the morning I would just hit you with the pillow, stuff it over my head and go back to sweat slumber.
Getting up in the morning was difficult and a drag, i could not master any energy or enthusiasm to do anything at all. The change came to me one day when I was walking up the stairs one day when I felt so tired I had to seat down for a minute. My chest was burning like i was having a heart attack and I was heaving like an old bull. As I sat there the fact that I was only twenty four and I felt like I was fifty hit me. I realized if I went on with the same path I would probably die of heart attack at 35.
Like most things you do not just dive in head first you might end up crushing at the bottom so I started slow. Going for a walk in the evenings, going up and down the stairs ten times until I got used to some physical exercises.
I will not say it was easy, it was hard and most of the time I felt I was wasting time. That was about the time I discovered cardio and I have been in love ever since.
It is a proven fact that EVERY Minute of Exercise Could Lengthen Your Life By seven Minutes and if you ask me that is a fair trade. I know most of you will say that hey you cannot know when you will die, you might day tomorrow of a car accident. But if you can prevent your death by health related factors and extend the time you have with your loved ones won't you want to grab the chance? The best part of cardio it does not necessary need any equipment.
So today I decided to list for you the importance of Cardio with the hope you will join the movement. See you on the better side of 80.

Importance of Cardio

  • Help eradicate unwanted layers of fat which hide the good muscles beneath. You might be working out everyday to build muscles but they are buried beneath a layer of fat. Cardio eradicates unwanted fat.
  • Unlike weight training exercises cardio is not very demanding on the body.
  • Cardio also helps one have a good respiratory system and heart condition as they strengthen the heart and aids in lowering blood pressure. 
  • By increasing your heartbeat during cardio the red blood cell count increases to mobilize oxygen within the body increasing productivity.
  • By sweating out the toxins it contributes to a healthy skin.
  • Helps to burn calories quickly by increasing metabolism.
  • Burns out the sugar reducing chances of diabetes.
These are just but a few of the benefits of cardio.
Start today and grab your extra 7 minutes for each minute you exercise.


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