So everybody has something they would like to change about themselves.
I do not dispute that God did an amazing job on creating us and building us to his own likeness but sometimes we misuse that privilege and do not take care of ourselves.
We cannot change ourselves but we can certainly make it better with a little workout and a lot of healthy eating.
That saying that whatever goes in will come out is absolutely true, so if you put crap into your body and misuse this vessel that you have been given you shall get total crap out.
So back to the things you would like to change, those would be our problem areas and they can be your hips, your stomach, your butt or even your boobs.
This one month I have decided to focus on my problem area which are my hips, thighs and face which at twenty five is still breaking out in pimples.
I do workouts based on the inner and outer thighs and I am trying to come up with a skin regiment that can be absolutely amazing and I will share it at the end of the month.
My advice is find a workout that focuses on your problem area, eat healthy and if you cannot afford to join a gym like me YouTube offers exciting different workouts for free.
I use the popsugar workout channel and I love it you might check it out on Youtube, but if you can afford a gym membership I would advise you to find a trainer and tell him what you want at the beginning.
Establish goals before so they can design workouts best suited for your needs.
Let us take this year with a storm and end it looking absolutely gorgeous.
I believe in you and do not forget it is the 30 days sweaty selfies challenge, sweaty is calories burnt and sweaty is also really sexy.
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