At one point in life or the other, we have all been self-conscious about how we look and how others perceive us. Hollywood has created this ridiculous stereotype that for you to be viewed as sexy, you have to fit a particular body type. I have started several workout programs after watching BeyoncĂ©’ singing or watching a movie where the actress looked for ridiculously hot. Those programs did not last long because I was trying to look like someone else. Everybody is unique, just because you have curves does not mean you are unhealthy. I have been with people who I admire because they workout, they eat a healthy balanced diet but they also do not deny themselves that treat one’s in a while. They have curves, and they are proud of them because they are living a full, well-balanced life. Getting to the point where you accept yourself for who you are and live your best life is hard, but we are here to help with that. We came up with several tips to help you embrace your curves. ...


Candlelight symbolizes hope.
Hope can be such a fickle thing.
One minute the hope is burning bright like the candlelight, but just a light wind can put it out and you are back to being desperate. 
You go back to thinking that the hope was just a dream that cannot be achieved.
Is it weird that something made out of wax and a string can symbolize the most important thing to mankind? Hope.
Holding on to hope is so much harder than giving it up, this is why I came up with my hope candle. Okay come up with is such a strong word, I saw a movie of people lighting candles for those who passed away and I thought well I can do that too. Except for people who passed away, I will light up my candle for all my hopes and dreams and my soul mate.
Do you believe in soul mates? 
Well, I do.
I believe that there is someone out there for everyone. 
Someone who understands you better than everyone else, someone who gets what you are thinking before you even utter the word. 
Someone who is an extension of you.
Cheesy right? I guess this is why I am a romance writer because I believe in true love and I am willing to wait for it.
There is so much going wrong in life every day, why not take a moment to remember all the good planned in your life? 
Why not take a second to say thank you to God for all He has done for us? 
Why not take a second to embrace what He will do for us? 
Most importantly why not take a second to say a prayer for the person who was meant to be your person?
That is what my hope candle means to me.
Every day I light up my candle.
I close my eyes.
I thank God for my family and all the special people in my life, I remind God to teach me giving back for all I have been fortunate to receive.
I state all my dreams and goals and pray for the determination and tenacity to achieve every one of them. Because I know I will get everything I ever wanted, He just has to give me the strength to keep going.
Then I say a short prayer for my soul mate, that wherever he is, he be filled with hope.
That whatever he is going through he has to remember to be strong. That if he is in crisis or confused, he should turn to God for guidance.
Most of all, I pray that I get to meet him once in this lifetime. 
I pray that when I meet him in this lifetime, my soul will recognize his soul.
That when we meet he will be happy, we do not have to end up together, but I do wish him all the happiness in this world.
As I blow out the candle and watch the smoke disappear into the air, I sincerely hope that it is carrying all my hopes and dreams to our maker.
That is how I hold onto hope.
And I keep on fighting for a better tomorrow.


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