When you get past the age of 25, everything starts to sag.
You gain so much weight so fast and before you know it you
are asking yourself what the hell just happened.
In a blink of an eye you have gained so much weight and even
just being in the same room with a cupcake or smelling ice cream makes you gain
a couple more.
Okay I am not talking about you (wink), I am talking about
what happened to me.
One day I was 62kgs and before I knew it I was 80 kilograms and depressed wondering what the hell is wrong with you woman.
A few months later and some kilograms down later, I came to
realize that I was never going to look or be “perfect.”
A few rolls of fat on our stomach is normal.
Cellulite is even more normal.
Stretch marks are like war prizes.
There is nothing that fluctuates more in this life like
weight, one year you get stressed and you lose all your weight and at times you
have a good year and gain some weight.
It changes every day.
Some days you gain some weight, some days you lose some
I do not feel like you should let something that flexible
control your life.
Something that can change in the blink of an eye should not control your happiness.
Lori Zanini who is an RD and CDE says "with so much emphasis on weight loss these days, people are trained to believe that their weight isn't good enough. This is unfortunate because it causes unnecessary stress on people who may be perfectly healthy just the way they are.
I had to learn to love and accept myself for who I was, I had
to realize that I was enough.
That is the hardest thing I ever had to do and I tried to
write each and every step out for you in my books Finding Balance, Finding
Faith, Finding self-love and Finding Confidence.
You can grab a free copy from this link lynnachieng.com.
If you cannot find time to read the whole book here is a chapter to remind you why your happiness should not be controlled by your weight:
Yesterday night I was bored and I took a torch and shined it on my body.
Piece of advice doesn’t ever do that especially after having something
wheat-based for dinner. It does not look good. Let us just say my journey to
self-love took a big hit.
Then today in the morning I shone the torch again and the pot belly I was
worried about was all gone. Maybe I was bloated last night or I just over-ate
who knows? But a piece of advice if you want to shine a torch on your body
or look at yourself in the mirror then please do it in the morning. It boosts
One more tip, if you look at yourself in the mirror please focus on the parts
you like best about your body. See how much you have a small waist do not
focus on how fat your hips are. Take pride in your hourglass figure.
If you are proud of the way you’re hips and butt look then please look at
that. If you are a guy and you like the way your d**k looks please go ahead
and look at that.
Just saying.
By focusing on what makes us feel great about being us we end up buying
clothes that flatter what wants to be flattered.
Using me as an example, I tend to buy clothes that emphasize the fact that
my waist is smaller than my hips. This works for me and I feel confident
and sexier like that.
Not saying that if you like your d**k you should go out there showing it to
everybody but probably buy nice boxers or briefs that just say I am taking
care of myself. Buy something nice that fits you that says I love my body the
way it is. I wish they had recommended shopping as a class in school, I
would have aced it.
Okay sorry, I am getting off topic but I do love a good shopping spree.
Anyway where was I, right, we all love something about our body.
We have
something that other people do not have, find your something and be proud
of it.
I must say taking the 30-day yoga journey with Adriene helped me out a lot
because I took about twenty minutes to thirty minutes a day to learn stuff
about myself. Sometimes the best way to spend time is with yourself.
Do you know that one side of your body can be fatter than the other? Mind
blowing right? I did not know that my right side was actually thicker than
my left until I was doing a downward dog one day and I looked at my thighs
and thought, mmmh that’s odd.
I recommend taking the finding balance journey; it can be amazing to your
mental health as it helps you explore who you are.
I am not saying it must be on the yoga with Adriene channel, there are
many yogis out there choose your favorite. If you do not want to do yoga
then just meditate daily, it is amazing.
Today someone I know called me “thick” and I was like yeah I know. Before
my finding balance journey, I would have been pissed and angry. Probably
not talked to them for a while to show them that I am angry. But what am I
really showing them? That I am not “thick”? Because I am.
I am at that
point in my life where I have partially accepted myself for who I am. If
someone is going to judge me then let it be me, I will not let someone else
bring me down.
Also, I have changed most of the people I follow on social media platforms
like Instagram, I still follow the models and singers but I have accepted that
is not my reality. I am following people who look somewhat like me and are
proud to look the way they do. A few examples include Simmons, Trisha
Khalid, and Joy Kendi. I am not saying you have to follow these exact
people but please find someone who makes you feel good about yourself
and follow them.
And I am writing this entry in my underwear so I know what I am talking
about. Sometimes it is just too damn hot for you to wear clothes indoors. So
take them off and let loose, I am.
Loving yourself goes beyond loving how you look, sometimes it is all about
perception. All you have to do sometimes is to accept that there are
something’s you cannot control.
Do not sweat over that stuff instead
concentrate on what you can control.
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