Proverbs Chapter 3 verse 5 & 6 says:
Trust the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and do not rely on your own insights.
The Most Important Lesson I have learned in my 20's:
It's such a great day for me, it’s my birthday!!!!
I AM TURNING A YEAR OLDER and I live in my aunt’s house in a small bedroom that used to be a store.
I work every day at a job that pays less than my profession asks for, at a job that will end in three months then I am back out in the world with no job.
All I own in this world are a laptop, a blanket and a pair of sheets and that's it.
Those are all the reasons why I should be sad because I am growing older and I always thought I would be further in life. I always thought I would own more by now, be more.
I am listing all this to show you that I am nowhere close to where I ever thought I would be by now but I am grateful.
I am so grateful for all that has been handed to me in life.
I know I will be okay.
It took a lot of work, self-searching and self-love to conclude that there is only one thing left in the world, Trust in God.
I feel like this is the most important lesson I have learned.
A couple of months ago I used to be stressed about everything.
I was stressed about where my life was going.
I was stressed about how my life was shaping up.
I would cry when I wake up and cry myself to sleep at night, thinking I was a failure, that I could not achieve anything.
It got so bad that I could spend all day in bed depressed.
I thought my future was bleak because I could not see past tomorrow, what I did not understand was that it was not for me to see. God had already shaped my future. It was bright because He did not make me suffer; He did not create me to wallow in self-pity as the days go by.
Then I had this realization: I cannot control anything.
No matter how much I try, no matter how hard I push, if God had not said yes, and then there was nothing I was doing.
All I was doing was exhausting me and making my depression worse.
I turned to people for answers and help, some of them ignored me while others tried to help but whatever they said was not what I wanted to hear at all.
I made a mistake.
I did not turn to God.
I never turned to God.
I thought I knew everything and I was bitter, frustrated and angry at the world.
I was angry at everything.
There is nothing more freeing in the world than the certainty that you have no control, that God has all the control.
At times that scares me because I want to be powerful.
I want to be in control.
I want to influence and change things.
I want to be powerful.
I want to control what happens to me and at what time it happens.
Have you ever had a plan so good and thought that this is a sure deal. If only this happens then I will be set for life.
Then just one thing goes wrong and everything else falls apart, you are left wondering what happened.
That was never God's plan for you.
It was not meant to happen that way.
Just accepting the fact and embracing it has thought me so much.
Just three words that have so much power: Trust in God. He knows what is best for you.
I do not know what you have gone through.
Maybe you got into an accident and lost your leg or your spouse too early.
Maybe you lost all your possessions that you worked so hard for, to robbers.
Maybe you lost all your dreams to life.
Maybe you just fell and you still cannot stand up again.
I have to learn to let go and let God.
You have to learn to let go and let God.
Charles. R. Swindoll said:
You can never outgrow lust or worry, it is part of the flesh; you have to trust God and work through it.
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