
Showing posts from September, 2017


At one point in life or the other, we have all been self-conscious about how we look and how others perceive us. Hollywood has created this ridiculous stereotype that for you to be viewed as sexy, you have to fit a particular body type. I have started several workout programs after watching BeyoncĂ©’ singing or watching a movie where the actress looked for ridiculously hot. Those programs did not last long because I was trying to look like someone else. Everybody is unique, just because you have curves does not mean you are unhealthy. I have been with people who I admire because they workout, they eat a healthy balanced diet but they also do not deny themselves that treat one’s in a while. They have curves, and they are proud of them because they are living a full, well-balanced life. Getting to the point where you accept yourself for who you are and live your best life is hard, but we are here to help with that. We came up with several tips to help you embrace your curves. ...

Breakfast Scrambled Eggs Ovacado Boat

Who does not love boats, i know i do. To be able to have your whole meal on a boat is a pleasure. So today on my first day to a vegan diet I made this avocado boat that is totally delicious, just double the recipe by the number of people. Unlike other people mine has a secret ingredient that makes it supper yummy. Read to see what it is. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Serves 2 Ingredients 1 ovacado halved and pitted 1 ripe tomato 1 small white onion A teaspoon honey Salt to taste 2 eggs. Black pepper to taste. Method  First scramble the eggs with a little salt, serve on a platter and set aside. Dice the tomatoes into really tiny pieces, set aside. Next dice the white onions into small pieces, set aside. Place the 2 halved ovocado side by side. To one half just add a little bit of onions. Some tomatoes. Half the eggs. Garnish with a bit of tomatoes and some onions. Top with some black pepper, salt and honey. The taste...

Substitutes for White Bread For Breakfast

Breakfast should be high on proteins and being the most important meal of the day, one should not skip it. Tired of eating white bread and need a change? Here are a few examples of healthy breakfast ideas. Breakfast On The Go Weetabix and banana I have never loved weetabix but it ia high on fiber and keeps you full longer so to add more taste to it, i add a ripe banana to my plate of weetabix in the morning. Makes it delicious and best of all it is super healthy. Fruit salad This you can make very quick in the morning with all the fruits available at home. The best part of fruit salad is that you are not restricted in your choices, its delicious and very filling at the same time. Yorgurt cup Okay now this is the best invention after mobile phones. Well to me it is, basically instead of eating your yorgurt plain and boring why not add fruits and nuts in them? Personally i love the plain yorgurt topped with bananas, cashew nuts and sesame seeds (sim sim). You just put it la...

Substitutes for White Bread For Breakfast

Breakfast should be high on proteins and being the most important meal of the day, one should not skip it. Tired of eating white bread and need a change? Here are a few examples of healthy breakfast ideas. Breakfast On The Go Weetabix and banana I have never loved weetabix but it ia high on fiber and keeps you full longer so to add more taste to it, i add a ripe banana to my plate of weetabix in the morning. Makes it delicious and best of all it is super healthy. Fruit salad This you can make very quick in the morning with all the fruits available at home. The best part of fruit salad is that you are not restricted in your choices, its delicious and very filling at the same time. Yorgurt cup Okay now this is the best invention after mobile phones. Well to me it is, basically instead of eating your yorgurt plain and boring why not add fruits and nuts in them? Personally i love the plain yorgurt topped with bananas, cashew nuts and sesame seeds (sim sim). You just put it layer by...

27 Songs To Work Out To 2017

Working out in itself can be hard and once in a while we need music to help us get off our ass and do it. This music works for me hope it helps you out too. Darassa         Muziki Willy Paul.     Yes I do ft Alaine The killers.     Somebody told Me Miley Cyrus.   Drive Mumford and sons.   Sigh no More Pink.               Try Beyonce.        Run The world Ed Sheeran.   Shape of You Ariana Grande.   Problem Alicia keys.          Girl on Fire Clean Bandit.       Rockabye Keri Hilson.          Knock You Down Eminem ft Rihana.  Love The way You Lie Jason Derulo.          Swalla Janelle Jid...

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